Perfect Skin Facial Treatment
To rejuvenate your skin and restore its health condition, we provide professional skin care procedure, from purifying, moisturising, anti-allergy, to whitening treatments.

Suitable for: dry skin
Calming Essential Oil--Soothing and helping heal allergic skin and skin under pressure
Vitamins--Facilitating the growth of collagen and elastin
Dermalogica Well-being Facial

Dermalogica Cell Restorative Facial
Suitable for: allergic, sensitive skin, and reddened or stinging skin due to environmental change
Oat Extract--Rich in polyphenol compounds which help resist irritation and reddening
Boerhavia Root Extract--Boosting inflammation-recovery tissues and natural anti-inflammatory agents
Ginger Extract and Bisabolol from Chamomile-- Compounded formulation helping reduce redenning and skin rashes

Hydraclean Facial
Suitable for: dry and oily skin
Salicylic acid--Cleaning, anti-bacterial and able to fade pigments in spots
Hamamelis--Removing wrinkles and improving skin quality
Allantoin--Softening and soothing skin
Not suitable for skin with eczema

Dermalogica Re-Balancing Facial
Suitable for: oily skin with enlarged pores
Anti-acne Purifying Essential Oil--cleaning, purifying and detoxifying your skin
Kaolinite--rebalancing, purifying and detoxifying
Zinc Oxide--Cleaning clogged pores
Suitable for: skin with folds, loosening and puffing problems
Multitendyn Plus Soybean and Pea Polypeptides- -Improving nutrients and oxygen supply to skin and strengthening extracellular matrix in connective tissues
Carnosine (Natural L-amino acid )--Helping re store elastic fibre and collagen, hence maintaining elasticity and flexibility of skin

HSR Skin Energy Facial

XEO Titan
Xeo Titan運用安全性極高的1100-1800紅外線技術,將真皮層1-3mm加熱,可於短時間內令皮膚收緊,刺激膠原蛋白立即收縮,誘發膠原增生。
相對一般射頻儀器,Xeo Titan利用獨有紅外線技術,更能準確地提供 能量至皮膚2.5mm-3.2mm真皮層,療程效果亦比一般射頻儀器顯著。 有效針對改善皮膚鬆弛、粗糙、淡化皺紋、雙下巴、眼袋及黑眼圈等問題。 Cutera Xeo巳通遇美國FDA安全及臨床實驗認證,絕對安全可靠。

Forever Young Facial Treatment
Our skin is exposed to all sorts of pressure, contamination and the harmful UV radiation, leading to a dull and lifeless skin. To help you regain a healthy, illuminating skin, we provide you with the best skin care treatment in various rejuvenating series according to your personal needs.
Suitable for: aging, dry skin
Caviar Essence--Facilitating blood circulation and cell reborn
Water complex--long hydrating effect, controlling evaporation
Collagen--Fading wrinkles and dry lines, and shrinking pores

Suitable for: any skin type
1% Retinol--Skin tightening, anti-aging
Hyaluronic acid--Relieving dryness and allergy
Oligopeptide--Fading pigments
Niacinamide--Controlling and preventing acnes

Dermalogica IonActive Facial
Gen X Skin Anti- Aging Facial
Suitable for: aging skin loss of elasticity
Matrigenics-Activating the genes for collagen fibres, elastin fibres and hyaluronic acids in tissues
Oxygen complex--Increasing cell energy
Collagen from fishes--Tightening and lifting

Suitable for: wrinkled and dry skin
Imudilin--Boosting immunity of skin and reducing signs of aging
SNAP 8--Restraining wrinkles and lines
Hyaluronic acid--Moisturising
Caviar Collagen Facial

Guinot Hydradermie Lift Facial
Suitable for: dry skin
ATP, Actinergie--Renewing oxygenating cells
Fig Essence--Moisturising
Water Complex--Long hydrating effect, controlling evaporation

Guinot Double Ionisation Facial
Suitable for: aging, dull skin
Vitamin C--Anti-radicals, anti-aging
Cell Energising Elements--Stimulating growth of cells and repairing damaged cells
Tightening Essence--Anti-wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity

Nano Vitamin Facial
Suitable for: skin after laser treatment and fragile skin
Vitamin A,C,E--Simultaneously activating collagen growth, repairing, whitening and anti-oxidising
Phycosaccharide®--Highly effective in resisting inflammation, soothing and reconstructing skin
Energy Booster Recharge Facial
Suitable for: dry skin
Green Tea--Enhancing cell renewal and repair
Collagen--Fading wrinkles and dry lines, and shrinking pores
Moisturising Molecules--moisturing and brightening
Skin Jexion Lines Reducer Facial

Advanced Eye Treatment
Uunqie Acupressure Massage for Eyes, Relaxing, Relieving and Soothing

Suitable for: wrinkled and dry skin around eyes
Arginine--Increasing elasticity of skin
Lysine Peptides--Stregthening the natural barrier of skin
Soy Protein--Reducing and repairing the signs of early aging
Dermalogica MicroZone Eye Treatment

Guinot Eye Logic Treatment
Suitable for: under-eye bags and circles
ATP--Boosting cellular energy
Collagen--Lifting and tightening
Vitamin C--Anti-radicals, anti-aging
Caviar Eyes Perfector Treatment
Suitable for: fragile skins around eyes
Caviar Essence--Facilitating blood circulation and cell reborn
Collagen--Fading wrinkles and dry lines

Bio Optic Eye Contour Treatment
Suitable for: any skin type around eyes
Plant Collagen--Reducing eye wrinkles
Draining Complex--Dredging excess water and toxins in eyes
Green Tea Essence--Anti-oxidising